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MD Culture Club: Bespoke

与我们一起参加最新一期MD文化俱乐部的是Power Platform专家 Bespoke


Chief Operating Officer - Beckie


Bespoke is a Microsoft Partner specialising in Power Platform, 一个低代码的解决方案,旨在增强对数据和自动化的可访问性. 我们与客户合作,支持他们采用该平台, 培训和授权他们的公民开发人员,并建立分析, 应用程序和自动化需要推动他们的业务向前发展. 

At Bespoke, 我们令人难以置信的团队非常有才华和支持的个人鼓励包容性和多样性的思想在整个业务. We promote agility, ownership, and autonomy at all levels. 认识到在愉快的环境中投入工作是我们团队蓬勃发展所需要的. 我们平衡了软件开发中的严肃元素和有趣元素. 例如,我们最近举办了一场谋杀推理活动,将我们的团队聚集在一起. 


We adopt an inclusive approach to recruitment, 在任何地方寻找人才,而不是将我们的搜索局限于特定的地点或合作伙伴. 我们是一家远程企业,与长期招聘人员和训练营保持着值得信赖的合作伙伴关系. 近年来,我们看到越来越多的人通过我们现有团队的推荐来找我们, and connections, which is always a pleasure to see. 

Ultimately, 我们希望找到最适合这个职位的人,并理解人们会采取不同的方式来发挥自己的潜力, 因此,我们优先考虑创造一种积极的招聘体验,让每个人都能展示自己最好的一面. 我们喜欢通过Power Platform学院等项目帮助个人成长,并鼓励我们的团队努力获得专家认证. 在一个支持性的环境中持续学习是保持团队快乐和成功交付项目的关键. 

What does the future look like for the company and its employees?

总的来说,无论是在Bespoke还是微软Power平台,我们都处于一个令人兴奋的增长阶段. In light of this growth, Bespoke is set to evolve its offerings, 加深我们已有的专业知识,并开始推动人工智能中最新添加的边界,如副驾驶. It’s an exciting time to join us as part of the team or a customer.  

The new starter - Char

Can you describe your role at the company?

我是Bespoke的营销主管,我的职责包括各种营销活动. These include crafting a monthly internal newsletter, managing our social media presence, updating the website, creating brochures, developing case studies, organising events, producing partner marketing materials, conducting surveys, and overseeing marketing budgets, among other tasks.

What was it about the organisation that attracted you to the role?

I always wanted to get into the tech industry, 这也是我第一次了解Power Platform,如果有的话, this intrigued my interest more. Additionally, 在我对这家公司进行调查的过程中,我看到了一些对我未来的新经理的好评. 这些积极的反馈突出了她卓越的领导能力和合作方式, making me even more eager to work under her guidance and learn. Additionally, I resonated with Bespoke's values, 我发现自己在公司里设想了一段积极而充实的工作经历,这正是我澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台这个团队所获得的. 

Can you describe the onboarding process you’ve experienced?

From the start, I had the opportunity to observe meetings right from the beginning, 获得对Power平台的运营和好处的宝贵见解. Additionally, I engaged in one-on-one sessions with various team members, all of whom were incredibly accommodating, fostering a welcoming atmosphere. Throughout this process, my manager provided consistent support, guiding me from the initial stages until now. Approaching my six-month mark, 我可以真诚地证明,我获得了丰富的知识,并在我在Bespoke的工作中找到了真正的乐趣.

The long-term employee - Jeff

Can you describe your role at the company?

我在公司里有两个角色,一个是工程经理,一个是Power BI开发人员.

作为一名工程经理,我参与了招聘和入职过程. 这包括选择最合适的候选人,并在他们入职的第一周欢迎他们. 我还每周与我的经理会面,向他汇报我所领导的团队的最新情况,并进一步发展我的领导技能. Additionally, 我与我们在菲律宾的团队成员进行一对一的会谈,以确保他们在工作中感到快乐,并在他们可能面临的挑战中得到支持.

Whereas, being a Power BI Developer, 我使用Microsoft Power BI根据客户的需求创建报告和仪表板,以帮助他们深入了解业务并做出更明智的决策.

You’ve been at the company for a number of years, can you tell me what has kept you at the company for so long?

Throughout my career, I have worked through multiple industries and roles from fast food, to customer service and later as a reporting analyst; I can say that my experience here at Bespoke has been the highlight of my career. I am grateful that they gave me this opportunity, and everyone is super nice, approachable, and willing to help. The managers genuinely care about their employees, actively encouraging a healthy work-life balance, and ensuring that the workload is appropriately balanced. 可以肯定地说,这种职场文化很少见.

What would you say to a person considering joining the company?

如果你正在寻找一家公司,既能培养你的成长,又能和可爱善良的同事一起享受快乐, Bespoke is the place to be! I have full confidence that Bespoke will continue to thrive, 这让我成为公司的一员变得无比激动. 

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