

现在结束了 200万英国员工在科技行业工作该行业的就业岗位数量增加了 52% in 2022 与上年同期相比. The increased flexibility and availability of tech jobs make it a thriving industry to be a part of.

But while tech is an attractive sector to work in, there are many reasons why people end up in it. We spoke to some Intechnica employees and asked them why they chose a career in tech.



将你的技术激情转化为职业是进入这个行业的一种常见方式, 因为许多人希望他们的角色能反映他们的利益.

哈里森奥尼尔, Intechnica的数据科学家, mentioned that his way into his role followed a passion that he found for computing in his younger years. “It was a natural progression following years of PC gaming when I was a teenager. 事实上, my first exposure to tech was creating a World of Warcraft private server using a MySQL database and LogMeIn Hamachi virtual private network. I had considered a career in game development but I chose Mathematics instead as I enjoyed the problem-solving aspect more than Computer Science at A-Level, 主要是记忆定义. 作为Intechnica的数据科学家, 我现在坐在数学和计算机科学的交汇处, 哪个最适合我.”

这在其他员工中得到了呼应 弗兰霍利,技术顾问 & 建筑师,完成学位后进入编程领域. “我最终进入了科技行业,因为我不够聪明,不能成为一名兽医! 我的a -level导师说我们需要聊聊, 我知道那是因为我的成绩不好, 所以我整个周末都在思考. Two things were clear; first I didn’t want to do something that was like a Vet but not a Vet, 要么全有,要么全无. 第二个, my parents bought a P90 (one of the first Pentium Processor computers) and I’d spent a few years messing about on it, 打破它, 升级它,并对它着迷. So I did some research and found I could do a Computer Science degree with a minor in Biology (to keep my science interest alive). 当我开始学习编程时,我喜欢上了它, 整个编程过程就像手套一样适合我,现在仍然如此.“

在科技行业, 26%的英国人是这样 believe that upskilling themselves in new digital/tech skills will allow for better progression. 利用提升技能来改变职业道路的一个关键例子是 霏欧纳费尔贝恩, a Consultant at Intechnica who recognised her growing interest in software and knew this could be applicable to a role in the tech industry. “The same theme kept cropping up at every company I’d worked for - I’d been around when new pieces of software were being introduced and I’d involved myself in a variety of activities from requirements gathering to testing and training other users. Once I realised how much I’d enjoyed these brushes with tech it was an easy decision to follow that path."


The tech industry provides unlimited learning opportunities throughout your career due to its ever-evolving nature. The fast-paced and adaptive environment that comes with the role means many people who work in tech enjoy the fact that the job requires you to adapt to change quickly and effectively.

Beccy Kusu-Orkar, 管理会计师, reiterates the importance of being in a highly innovative and fast-paced industry. “一开始我并不是有意选择从事科技行业. I had never given the industry too much thought before until I started to write down what sort of career I would like to have and what sectors would influence this and how. I was looking for a fast-paced industry with high levels of innovation which was always evolving. The Tech Industry is exactly that and perfectly suited the criteria I was looking for in an industry. 看到技术发生了如此大的变化是令人兴奋的, 甚至在过去的几年里, 以及它在未来的潜力. 站在这方面的前沿是一个很好的地方.”

The continuous learning through pursuing a tech career is a key driving force of many in the field: “While I have always found technology in general very interesting, 对我来说, my decision to pursue a career in technology was mostly driven by a desire to work in a field which was interesting and intellectually challenging. I liked the idea of working with technology that is constantly changing and being innovated upon as this means that the work you do is always changing and never becomes boring. ” 杰克福斯特Intechnica的另一位数据科学家.


到2021年,科技行业的就业人数占 6.占英国净就业的3%,然而,只是大约 0.39%的人口毕业于STEM学位. It’s safe to say that a degree or science isn’t a prerequisite for a career in tech! 因为对科技人才的需求每年都在激增, employers are increasingly interested in the candidate and the transferable skills that employees can bring from other roles 和背景. 

劳拉Ohela, a Marketing Executive at Intechnica is an excellent example of utilising your applicable skills to the best of your advantage and shows that jobs in the tech field go much further than software developers, 程序员, 数据科学家. “说实话,我从来没有打算在科技行业发展! When I was doing my Master’s in Management a lot of the themes covered tech but I ended up working for a marketing agency after graduating. Pretty quickly, I realised that I wanted to move to an in-house role and came across Intechnica. 而我没有任何技术背景, I found the industry interesting and figured tech would have great career prospects. 我很高兴我抓住了这个机会, as I’m really enjoying it and can definitely see myself staying in tech for a long time.“

其他人则完全改变了他们的职业道路:“我是一个职业转换者, 在进入科技行业之前,他在音乐行业工作了15年. When I decided I wanted to pursue a different direction I looked back at the elements of my previous jobs that I’d enjoyed the most and where I felt I’d succeeded,菲奥娜说。. No matter where your previous skill set lies, there are always industry cross-overs. Fiona successfully conveys that you can make the change to the tech industry at any point in your career. 这在数字经济中变得越来越普遍.

无论你进入这个行业的途径是什么, 科技行业的职业可能会令人兴奋,并为你提供无尽的机会.

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