
The classic works do just won’t do anymore: How to do better employee engagement

Photograph with the text 'The classic works do just won't do anymore: How to do better employee engagement' with images of people.

The classic works do just won’t do anymore:

We aren’t saying that booze, food and entertainment aren’t a great combination for a good time.

But if you want your employees to engage and also take something away from the event that will help them feel more like a part of the business strategy going forward, 计划需要更深入.

With the separation of office and workspace becoming the new normal, it’s easy to see why employees have felt distanced from their company’s vision.

Communication of new initiatives has been well executed in the difficult period of transitioning to Zoom meetings. Or company growth and successes may not have been celebrated and rewarded as they should have been.

事件 are an excellent way of combating these issues, and we love working together with a company to think of a new and innovative event that will make employees feel part of the company and its growth and not just a number.


When we say just a party won’t do, we mean it.

Chameleon prides itself on developing engaging events, challenging companies to think outside the box and trying new ways of 鼓励员工投入.

我们最近接管了 派拉蒙的办公室, 我们能够超越小吃店, instead really celebrating all the hard work that had been put in by the team.

我们给办公室打上品牌, created a cinema room and invited Radio DJs to come along to help their team celebrate the launch of Paramount+ in the UK.

There is also something to be said for turning our heads to the top dogs of tech, 安排活动, can be used to engage employees and learn from them whilst also being fun.

This helps with engagement as it includes the employees in business strategy and reminds them that they are an integral part of moving the company forwards.

Getting the team hands-on with the company’s strategy and vision is a powerful way to increase employee engagement.

Scheduling launch parties to roll out new initiatives is an excellent way of creating a buzz around the office and, 如果做得好, can help include staff in company-wide changes.

A much better tactic than relying on the trickle-down method of sharing information.

Many companies are also starting to host their own Expos, with sneak peeks and far-out looks at the future of the company, again reminding their staff members that we are in this together and nurturing a relationship of mutual respect and understanding.

Many employees don't know the ‘true why’ of what they are doing and have no say in how things can be improved.

Bringing this forward enables employees to connect on a deeper level with the company’s vision and strategy and how they are making a difference in the work they do.

You should also think about what is right for your staff’s needs and lifestyles. For example, not hosting a Christmas party in the month of December because tradition dictates it, but using the budget for something that will benefit the people in the office most.


总之, when we are looking at throwing the ultimate office party, 超出零食的预算, and think of complete office takeovers and immersive experiences, 下一个层次的欣赏和乐趣.

我们看了一下 previous article on 十大网博靠谱平台的数字 about current recruitment challenges, and it's clear to see that employee retention is a key priority.

Thinking about moving forward with the times and hosting events/ social media takeovers that show what your company stands for and where you are heading will allow current and prospective employees to see that you are delivering something that they want to be part of.

