
2019 was one hell of a year - not just for technology, but for market research as a whole. 现在我们进入2020年, 全新的十年, we wanted to spend some time considering just what the main survey 和 market research trends will be for the coming year.

From developments in AI to the rise of using social media to engage with survey participants, we have some exciting predictions for the top survey 和 market research trends for 2020.


1. 人工智能的兴起

When most people think of artificial intelligence they think of things like robots, however the actual day to day of artificial intelligence is a lot less glamorous than the likes of i-Robot 和 the way AI is portrayed in pop culture.

The development of AI is meant to save humans time by being able to do tasks that before, 只有人类才能做决定之类的事情, 语言翻译, 语音识别与视觉感知.

There have already been huge developments when it comes to AI - but we’re only just beginning to see the ways in which AI will be incorporated into surveys 和 market research.

In 2020, expect to start seeing smart technology that can dictate spoken answers to survey questions. 类似的, panel participants will no longer have to be glued to their laptops or smartphone to answer surveys - they’ll be able to do using only their voices via devices such as Google Home 和 the Amazon Echo.

2. 美观、响应迅速的移动调查将被视为常态

去年 MRS, Dynata, Kantar, Lucid和Toluna进行了令人震惊的研究 revealed that almost a third ( 30%) of surveys globally restrict respondents to a desktop experience only, 20-25%的调查根本不允许使用手机.

考虑到 人们平均每天花在手机上的时间为3小时15分钟, the fact that market research companies are still not prioritising mobile survey compatibility is shocking.

类似的, 即使调查可以在手机上完成, the design 和 usability are so poor that panel respondents are far more likely to ab和on completing the survey mid-way through.

一个行业, why would we want to miss out on valuable panel participants 和 data for the sake of the simple task of making a survey easy to complete on mobile?

美丽的, 响应式移动调查应该成为一种规范, 作为一家公司, we feel strongly about 和 have discussed in more depth in this blog post.

2020年,情况将发生变化. 随着人们越来越依赖手机, time spent using them will increase - meaning that market research companies can no longer ignore the need for seamless mobile survey design - or so we hope!

3. 我们将看到“社交数据”的增长

近年来, market research has become less of a specialist industry only known to those who work within it as elements of market research, 公众对调查和投票的了解越来越广泛.

其中很大一部分我们称之为“社交数据”. 我们所说的社交数据是什么意思, 数据是通过使用社交媒体和其他方式获得的吗, 非传统的平台.

We’ve gradually seen the general public become more involved in the market research industry - whether they recognise it or not - through things like 推特 polls.

现在, a simple browse of a news article on a local newspaper’s website will usually be accompanied by the option to complete a short survey before the reader can “unlock” the full article.

类似的, 在Youtube上浏览视频时, instead of traditional ads that play before the main video there are now similar, short polls inviting the viewer to give their thoughts on a particular topic.

In 2020, 简短的调查, 民意调查和“社会数据”只会迅速流行起来, 很容易获得消费者对任何特定主题的见解.

事实上, this year we are planning to launch a br和 new product that will position us at the forefront of impartial, 可靠的民意调查和数据.


4. Surveys will have to adapt to face the ever-growing dem和 on peoples’ time 和 attention

Every single day we are completely bombarded with content from all angles. 这已经不是秘密了, 反过来, is wrecking humans ability to focus 和 concentrate on any one task at a time.

In 2020 we predict that surveys will have to evolve 和 adapt to address the growing dem和 on peoples’ time 和 attention.

Part of the reason that 简短的调查 和 opinion polls are so popular is because they’re short, 很吸引人,而且不需要花很多时间来完成.

结果是, 这类调查将会越来越受欢迎, whereas longer surveys will provide more of a challenge to get people to complete.

作为其中的一部分, market researchers must ensure that their longer surveys are beautifully designed, intuitive to use 和 engaging to stop panel respondents from dropping out before completion.

在2020年,设计糟糕、反应迟钝的调查设计根本行不通. Everyone will have to up their game to ensure their surveys get the best possible completion rates.

So there we have it - our top survey 和 market research trends for 2020!

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We’re on a mission to give you the smartest all-round operations support for your market research. 这是我们最擅长的.

没有废话. 没有专业术语. 只是为了获得更深刻的见解而进行的精彩调查.

If you’re curious about what we do 和 would like to get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.

访问 我们的网站,致电+44[0]844 974 5010或发电子邮件 hello@omnisis.co.uk where a senior member of the team will get back to you as soon as possible.

