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A Day In The Life: Paul Brackenridge, Delivery Lead, Naimuri


Paul Brackenridge is a Delivery Lead at Naimuri.

We spoke to him to find out more about this role, his experience at Naimuri and what an average day looks like.

What’s your professional background and interests?

Prior to joining Naimuri, 我从事过许多与“技术交付”和“软件开发”相关的工作. 

我热衷于提供优秀的软件和解决方案来解决技术问题. 我的经验涵盖物流、餐饮服务、送货上门和移动工作流程管理.

What attracted you to this role and company?

There are two main things, which attracted me to Naimuri;

  1. The types of customers they work with and the problems they solve.
  2.  The culture. Naimuri与一些非常有趣的客户合作,提供解决方案,为英国带来现实世界的利益.
    他们也相信自己的员工会以他们认为合适的方式完成工作. Naimuri给人的感觉就像一个家庭,他很清楚地表明,快乐的人创造伟大的作品.


What does a typical day look like?

I’m fully allocated to a single customer project, so my day largely revolves around managing that project and team. I play the role of a Scrum Master/Delivery Manager.



剩下的时间取决于我们在冲刺周期中的位置, 但它通常会与产品负责人/更广泛的团队一起细化待办事项, facilitating technical or design meetings, running retrospectives or Three Amigo’s sessions. 


What are the key challenges in your role?

我要说的是,我的角色面临的两个关键挑战是保持开发人员和qa尽可能高效、无摩擦地工作,并与客户无缝合作, (与我们的技术主管一起)确定未来的工作或为当前或未来的sprint细化用户故事.

与不习惯敏捷工作方式的客户一起工作可能会带来挑战——所以我们不仅要提供一个伟大的解决方案, but we’re improving their culture and ways of working.

What has surprised you most in the last 12 months?

我认为最令人惊讶的是奈穆里的灵活和以家庭为中心. 这是在招聘过程中被讨论了很多次的事情,也是最初吸引我进入这个职位的原因之一. 看到一家公司既说到做到,又说到做到,真是令人耳目一新.

What are the best bits about the role?

I’d say the best bits are the people (my team is AMAZING!) and the clients and problem areas that we work on. 这是一个非常多样化和具有挑战性的角色,你可以和这个领域最优秀的人一起工作. 

Again, I’d also say the culture. 优秀的人才造就优秀的公司,每个人合作和帮助他人的方式都很棒.

How would you describe the company culture?

Friendly, people and family oriented as well as, continually improving, helpful, focused and high performing.


Helping the team to over-deliver on our release 1b delivery.

我们的团队提前完成了一款史诗游戏的绝大部分内容,并提前大量交付, 允许我们在即将发布的版本中更多地关注应用程序的核心功能和外观.

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Technical Lead

努力使英国成为一个更安全、更美好的地方。我们的愿景是彻底改变国家安全, data intelligence, and law enforcement through the use of technology. We’re the company everyone wants to work with.We are a team of highly experienced, passionate, technology experts.我们结合我们在大型系统集成商工作中获得的经验,并以最快的速度应用它, innovation and mindset of a small, efficient organisation.我们的使命是让英国成为一个更安全、更美好的地方, which is evident in everything we do. 我们致力于在不断发展的文化、人员和流程的推动下不断改进.We don’t do agile, we are agile.Being lean and agile is not something we do, it’s something we are. It is ingrained as a core characteristic of our DNA. 这是我们所有人的本能心态,隐含在我们所做的每件事中.软件开发我们是提高效率和简化流程的整个开发生命周期的专家. We focus on the whole life costs, not just development. 我们开发系统的方法默认是安全的,并将技术卓越与创新相结合, 前瞻性的解决方案安全的云迁移我们可以将您的网络扩展到云中, 迁移您的应用程序和基础设施,重点关注安全性和可靠性. Our approach provides a seamless transition, 允许您在对业务造成最小干扰的情况下利用云.devops缩短软件开发周期,将其部署到生产环境中. 我们可以帮助您实现基础架构的自动化,并为您的开发团队提供一个工具集,使其成为自助服务. 不再需要向运维团队提出请求,也不再需要等待服务器的供应. 我们可以帮助您开发一个持续交付管道,使您能够更快地实现应用程序的价值,并降低运营风险.Our people are what make us great.我们是一个多元化的团队,由富有创造力、务实、有远见的个人组成.我们以人为本,营造每个人都能茁壮成长的创新环境.


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