
艾玛·兰顿, Digital and Technology Masters Degree Apprentice at Liverpool City Council

十大网博靠谱平台大都会医院是英国领先的 度的学徒制 有成功的记录. 有各种各样的 项目 offered to help businesses upskill their current talent or attract skilled apprentices to grow their business, we are an Ofsted Grade 1 Outstanding provider and the top-rated university for 度的学徒制*

你为什么选择澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台 数字和技术解决方案硕士学位学徒制?

我选择 数字和技术解决方案硕士学位学徒制 because learning and development have always been important to me as part of my many roles within Liverpool City Council. When I joined the Strategy and Design Team as an ICT Technical Architect a few years ago, I was keen to take on some long-term learning to assist me with my role and develop my confidence, knowledge and give me the toolset to perform to the best of my ability. 

I began to enquire about this with our Learning and Development team, 在和我的经理进一步讨论之后, 我们认为这个项目最适合我和我的角色. 这个项目是学徒制的, it was the perfect opportunity to apply some theory to my work-based projects. 

I decided to do the strategy pathway within the programme because it was the most beneficial for my role and it allows me to tailor the course to my job role and what will be beneficial for my career going forward. 

How do you manage working full-time while studying part-time for a degree?

It has been tough to balance work and study at times especially when I was working on large projects within work or having to complete assignments, but a great deal of support was offered by the University to help to manage the workload.

I have been able to develop good organisational skills during the course and I would tend to do a small amount of work daily to ensure that I wasn’t put under a lot of pressure as I was getting closer to assignment deadlines. 

The skills coaches had regular review meetings with me where they made sure I was coping with the workload and checked in on how I was getting on. Having these well-being checks ups was useful and provided the opportunity to talk through any concerns.


作为ICT技术架构师, I devise technical solutions for the organisation based on a requirement, 需要或请求. I work on large-scale projects where it is necessary for me to understand the technical landscape of the organisation and to introduce new technologies and systems into the various service areas within Liverpool City Council. 

必须考虑安全方面的影响, 所涉及数据的性质, how the system will integrate into the organisation and the finer technical details of the solution. I regularly offer technical guidance and support throughout projects across the organisation. 

How has the masters degree apprenticeship contributed to your growth in your current role?

The programme has given me more confidence in my role and the opportunity to develop in what was a relatively new role when I started this programme. 我相信未来, this course will give me the skills and knowledge to be able to apply for a more senior role within the organisation when the opportunity arises.  

The highlight of this course has been the positive feedback I have received from my manager, 的同事们, and friends about my ever-increasing confidence and my ability to lead which I believe, 能直接归因于该计划吗. 

在整个学徒生涯中, 我已经能够获得信息系统方面的知识, 数字化领导转型, 数据管理, 这个咨询公司, Reflective Practices in Digital Leadership and Managing Enterprise Systems. All this knowledge gained feeds into my daily role and will help me to develop my career.

What are your thoughts about your experience with Manchester Metropolitan University?

大学在作业方面提供了大量的支持, 讲座, 一般的学习技巧. 我发现老师们的支持和鼓励很有用. They were always happy to discuss any assignment queries and answer any questions.

主要是讲座, seminars and labs were held in the Business School which is a fantastic building with all the resources you could possibly need. 

You are also given a skills coach who guides you through the apprenticeship portfolio, 但他们也提供一般的支持, 指导并定期与你联系. 这种支持和一对一的审查是有益的, 技能教练总是在一旁提供帮助.

What advice would you give to someone considering applying for this apprenticeship?

I believe that someone who is keen to develop their career in technology and/or business should strongly consider this masters programme, 因为我已经能够获得大量的知识, and confidence in my ability and has motivated me to push on in my role.

Manchester Metropolitan University offers a number of undergraduate and postgraduate apprenticeships in several areas. 点击这里了解更多信息(mmu.ac.英国/学徒制)

*RateMyApprenticeship Awards, 2019年、2020年、2021年和2022年 

