

2019年初, we surveyed our membership; all of our activity is driven by the needs of our members so we are always keen to gain more insight into where members want the Manchester Digital team to focus its efforts. 

This survey combined with intelligence gathered from discussions with members has led to a refresh of our offering as well as the launch of several new services.

如果您想对我们的计划有更深入的了解, not just for the remainder of the year but for the coming years, 请阅读我们总经理写的这篇文章, 凯蒂·加拉格尔.


After a few false starts, we have finally launched our new website. As well as making it easier to take advantage of member benefits, we have created a new style of directory that we hope will help members to collaborate as well as promote their businesses to the wider community 和 potential clients. 以及分享新闻, 他们将能够促进项目的工作和活动, 呼吁合作并展示他们的作品.

如果你还没有, please invite your colleagues to register on the site to start receiving our newsletter 和 access the products on our site.

以及提供一个新的和改进的成员目录, Manchester Digital continues to provide opportunities to connect with the sector through our events 和 networking evenings. We’ve also launched the #MDTechCommunity Slack Workspace that offers another way of connecting members to each other 和 we have seen some success from companies using it to collaborate 和 build partnerships. 澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台 here to connect 和 converse with the rest of the sector in real-time.


Access to talent remains the number one concern of our members 和 it will be a priority for Manchester Digital for years to come. 2019年, 在合作伙伴的支持下, really seen us scale up the range 和 reach of our talent pipeline programmes.  

我们的年度 数码技能节 increases in size every year 和 February 2020 will see some new additions to the week including GM Digital Day 和 professional development opportunities. 该节日是英国同类节日中规模最大的. 

We have had wonderful support from the community to launch 和 deliver out 数字她 首创精神,它见证了我们, our sponsors 和 a host of real-life role models embark on a journey that will result in us visiting each of Greater Manchester’s ten boroughs, impacting the lives of 1200 young women along the way by inspiring them to consider a career in tech. 

与此同时,已有125家企业签署了我们的 由gmca支持的数字期货计划 哪些是提高学生技能, teachers 和 helping to deliver an industry-st和ard curriculum to schools across Greater Manchester.

We have worked hard to ensure that we draw c和idates for our fourth Digital Future Stars Software Development Apprenticeship 来自尽可能多不同背景的人, 在社区中心推广, libraries 和 places of worship as well as schools 和 colleges, trying to bring some much-needed diversity into the industry. 


我们的 inaugural Member Conference drew an audience of 200 members 和 the talks showcased how broad 和 diverse the interests of our community are. 

The introduction of new professional development programmes such as the 数字化领导力培训Google开发者研讨会 补充了长期存在的产品,如 创业的故事, Demo Nights We continue to work h和 in h和 with the community delivery large scale specialist conferences such as NUX, 举办会议和预演.

今年秋天,我们将推出 Fintech论坛安全峰会北方 澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台我们的花名册.


我们的年度 技能审计 仍然是一份重要文件, 研究结果为我们的活动提供了依据, contribute to regional policy 和 support members when reviewing their recruitment strategies. 现在由我们的 工资基准和福利报告 哪些详细介绍了整个行业的平均工资.

我们的 机构的见解 report examined the challenges being faced by the region’s wide variety of agencies. 是这份报告的直接结果, Manchester Digital has designed a programme which will support members to collaborate, underst和 procurement 和 meet some specially selected potential new clients at a showcase event in 2020.


Members told us they were keen to have their news 和 views amplified by us. They also want us to promote the cutting edge work being done by our members to the rest of the UK 和 beyond. 

像这样, we have developed a new content plan that incorporates podcasts, 新的和原创的长篇文章, thought leadership pieces as well as interviews 和 features from the companies 和 individuals who make up our membership.

If you would like to feature in the big plans we have for content for the rest of the year 和 2020, 请务必与我们联系,我们欢迎所有的想法.


如果你是十大网博靠谱平台数字公司的会员, please make sure that you are taking full advantage of your membership, log into the new website 和 start taking advantage of the collaboration, promotion 和 talent building opportunities it has to offer.

If you’re not yet a member but would like a free Membership Benefits brochure, you can 通过这个页面请求一个.

