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A Day In The Life: Zhantao Fang, Cloud Engineer, GFT

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方占涛是数字化转型领导者的云工程师 GFT.

We spoke to him to find out more about this role, his experience at GFT and what an average day looks like.

What does a typical day look like for you in your role?

As a Cloud Engineer working for GFT, a global IT consultancy, 你要么被分配给客户,要么从事内部项目. For me, 我被分配到一个保险领域的客户,专注于谷歌云平台. 咨询工作的一个重要方面是它因客户而异, and so, 我们需要做好准备,以适应客户的技术堆栈和工作流程.

9:00am-9.15am: To kickstart the day, 我通常在登录客户端环境时自己做一杯啤酒,以遵守他们的安全和GDPR实践. Once I'm logged on, I would check and reply to any emails and Teams chat, look at today's agenda and prepare for any upcoming meetings.

9:15am-9.30am: As a member of an Agile team working in two-week sprints, 我们每天早上都有大约15分钟的单口相声. We talk about what we did the day before, discuss if we need any assistance, highlight any risks, and decide on which tickets we will be working on today.

9.30am-12pm: After stand-up, 我将利用Git之类的工具开始售票, Terraform, Bash, Visual Studio Code, CI/CD Tools, Jira, Confluence, GCP, etc. For some larger tickets, 与另一位工程师结对编程是值得的(两个人一起工作,在驱动程序和导航器模型中共享屏幕). 这使我们能够更快地分享知识和完成工作.

12pm-1pm: Time for lunch! 大多数时候,我在家工作(根据客户的要求),所以午餐没什么特别的.

1pm-2:30pm: 接下来,我会花时间准备和参加会议. As mentioned above, I work in an Agile team, which means throughout the week we must attend meetings, such as sprint reviews (demoing work completed in the current sprint); sprint planning (planning work in the next sprint); backlog refinement (tidying up the backlog), 回顾(表达对当前sprint的想法和意见), 所有这些都有助于不断提供反馈并改进我们的工作方式. Aside from these, I also attend various meetings on design, implementation, handover, 和1:1(直线经理和员工之间讨论任何事情的会议), i.e., personal development). 

2.30pm-3:30pm: After meetings, 我会利用这段时间来撰写和审查文档,这些文档是事实的唯一来源. 文档对于交接和知识共享也很有用. In addition to this, I would also review, 评论和批准同级在Git拉取请求中执行的任何开发工作.

3:30pm-5:30pm: 为了结束这一天,我会继续在没有任何干扰的情况下处理我的票. 大部分时间不仅花在编写和测试代码上,还花在浏览文档和最佳实践指南以及调试任何不可预见的问题上. 在这段时间里,我定期休息一下,以避免长期的疲劳和倦怠.

What do you love most about your role?

在咨询公司工作意味着我可以进出项目,选择我想做的工作,而不是在一家公司呆很长时间. 这让我获得了新的经验,并接触到不同规模和行业的公司. Not to mention, 我与具有多年专业知识的专家捆绑在一起,这使我能够非常顺利地适应客户项目. On top of this, 我真的很喜欢GFT慷慨的培训计划,它让我的技术堆栈多样化, get certified, and constantly stay up to date with the latest, bleeding-edge technologies. Ultimately, 我相信在GFT担任云工程师能为我提供所有合适的机会和资源,让我在技术和专业上成长.

What is the biggest challenge in your role?

我遇到的每家公司在技术堆栈方面都是不同的, culture, industry, legal obligations, etc. 我在这个职位上遇到的主要挑战是适应这些差异,并利用我所拥有的. Let's take the tech stack. 例如,他们可能没有使用最新的、前沿的和行业领先的工具. However, more often than not, 这些是最相关的工具,在IT行业中被广泛使用,也是招聘人员正在寻找的工具. Therefore, it is worthwhile to skill up and gain experience, 使用这些工具并将它们添加到您不断增长的武器库中.


对于那些想成为云工程师的人,我最大的建议是对云计算概念和SRE/DevOps文化做一些研究. I also recommend reading or listening to the Phoenix Project. 所有这些都将帮助你真正理解当前公司所面临的困境以及我们正在努力解决的问题.

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