
在平等关怀合作社的聚光灯下, the bold startup redistributing power within social care

十大网博靠谱平台数字公司, we like to interview our members to find out a bit more about what they do and their work in the Greater Manchester digital and technology sphere. 本周我们将采访马特·威廉姆斯, 平等关怀的高级软件工程师, 合作社, 总部设在大十大网博靠谱平台.


Equal Care exists to give power to the people in social care that have far too little; the people who are giving and receiving care and support. We’ve already proven that more control over our care relationships results in happier, 更健康的人,更好的护理结果. Our platform plays a huge role in giving people the tools that they need to keep on top of their newfound powers. All we need to do now is figure out how to get this model out to the rest of the world…

What do you think is currently the biggest digital and tech issue facing the health and social care industry?

Health and social care is going through a long overdue digital revolution at the moment. 我们都有权获得自己的健康数据, but often if/when we see that information it is out of date, 矛盾的或完全错误的. It’s not surprising that this is the case: the health care system is fragmented so information exchange between health services is limited and this leads to an inconsistent patient record. 然而, the only way to improve the situation is to start sharing and consolidating. 到达那里将是一段漫长的旅程, but great digital records will allow our health and social care professionals to make the best judgements possible, 基于大量的证据.


What are some of your organisation’s biggest achievements?

平等关怀是一个很棒的工作场所. 有几十个 故事 about people’s lives being turned around as a result of 我们工作的方式. 我们的季度流动率是惊人的3%.4%(相对于36%的行业标准). Our tech platform is founded on the needs of our co-ops members and enables over 2500 hours of outstanding care per month; it’s all designed, 由一个人建造和维护. And our work doesn’t stop with building care and support relationships: we are pushing for systemic change across the sector. 去年9月,我们发布了 一份报告 identifying a number of issues people in Calderdale had experienced on both sides of the care relationship. The report was so effective at raising these issues it had us (erroneously) 被称为“看门狗”.


What would you consider to be your organisation’s biggest challenge?

It’s core to our mission that the power concerning care decisions should reside with the people who understand those needs the best; the people giving and receiving care and support. Our growth plans need to scale this structure up, ensuring our care quality remains outstanding. 说得轻一点,这可不是一件容易的事! We’ll be relying on the platform to do a lot of heavy lifting: handling all kinds of tasks that would otherwise be done by multiple layers of management. 然而, it’s crucial for us that the platform can execute these tasks reliably and accessibly so that our wide variety of teams can all engage.


What do you think the future looks like for Manchester’s digital and tech sector?

Digital and tech is such a strong sector in Manchester and I can only see it expanding from here. 对我来说, it’s a no-brainer over London (or any other large city region); the quality of life is much greater, the salaries are great compared to the cost of living, the people are friendlier and it doesn’t take 45 minutes to get anywhere.

I would love to see more occasions where the tech world collaborates with other sectors. My experience has shown me that tech on its own is useless. We all need a cause to enable, yet our meetups and events rarely reflect that. 是时候拓展一下了!

Tell us something we might not know about your company.

我们经常被称为"平台合作”运动. It’s a beautiful alternative to Big Tech where tech solutions are owned and controlled by the same communities that need them.

