

Ever wondered what it's like to work at one of Greater Manchester's leading tech employers or what specific job roles get up to each day?

艾米丽·摩根是商业分析师 DWP Digital.

我们采访了她,以了解更多十大网博靠谱平台这个角色的信息, 她在DWP Digital的工作经历以及每天的工作情况.

名称: 艾米丽·摩根
公司: DWP Digital
职称: 业务分析师
工作时间: 2.5年


我的职业生涯是从一家法律公司的行政职位开始的, 并迅速成长为一名拥有18名员工的经理. During this time, I was asked to act as a subject matter expert for the IT department on a project. I found this experience so interesting – the project was all about making improvements to the service and increasing efficiency. 因为我的团队主要是一个呼叫处理功能, 速度和易用性是我们能够提供的客户体验的关键, 这是我非常赞同并充满激情的事情. 这引起了我的共鸣.

晚些时候, a business analyst (BA) role came up in the IT department and I decided to go for it – that was w在这里 I learnt the ropes. 我当时正在做公司在IT领域有史以来最大的项目, 哪个是要取代病例管理系统. 它非常复杂,涉及许多不同的部门, 每个人都有自己的需求和优先事项, 因此,这是一个培养我在商业分析方面的专业知识的好地方.

在几个不同的组织担任了几年的角色后,我澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台DWP Digital 我立刻意识到我的选择是正确的. I spent 2 years working in a team w在这里 we delivered a massive piece around the EU Settlement Scheme after Brexit, 与内政部密切合作. 2022年1月,我开始了一个全新的项目, which is focused on getting everybody who is still receiving legacy benefits to claim Universal Credit.

在DWP Digital工作,你最喜欢的是什么?

我相信每个人都这么说,但正是人们让工作变得如此愉快. 没有他们就不一样了. 我和一群技术高超的人一起工作, 他们工作非常努力,让我的角色轻松很多. 向团队大声呼喊! 我从私营部门来到DWP Digital, 拥有在自己的岗位上真正精通的人才会带来巨大的不同, 比如用户研究人员, 内容设计师和交互设计师, 它使我们作为一个团队能够产出高质量的工作.

I also like working using agile methodology – those who know agile know that it’s not a prescriptive list of rules, 更重要的是,要遵循能够更快地交付软件的原则. 这意味着我们优先考虑个人和互动, 在你可以的时候和别人说话, 而不是发送电子邮件. And we prioritise responding to change over following a plan – which can be scary if you’re a product owner trying to deal with stakeholders! But for a BA, you just need to be flexible and open to changing things at sometimes short notice. 它使我保持警觉!


我是个早起的人, 所以我早上8点开始工作(希望事先挤出时间去健身房或遛狗). I take a bit of time to focus on my own work which is usually around analysis – at any one time I have a number of different problems to try and resolve. This could be a system incident raised by a user w在这里 something isn’t working as expected, or it could be research and investigation into a potential new feature to make something better.

每天9点和我的团队一起表演单口相声.15am. 我们更新团队的进度,使用共享板来跟踪特定项目的交付情况. 9.15-9.上午45点是“团队会议”时间, 谁都可以使用, for example to showcase work they have produced or talking through a tricky problem with others.

我的日程表上有很多常规的团队会议. 这些包括展示和讲述, 整个项目的人在哪里分享工作, 或者可能是投资组合的一致性, w在这里 everyone involved in my portfolio of work comes together to ensure the project is on track and give key updates.

At lunch I usually make myself a salad if I’m working from home or try and find a nice independent café if I’m in the 十大网博靠谱平台办事处. The early afternoon on Monday and Wednesday is earmarked for communities of practice work, 所以我可能会参加BA的协作, which is an open and informal forum for BAs in my project to talk through their ongoing analysis and solution design with others. 或者我可能会参加或领导一个分享 & 学习课程对BA社区的所有成员开放, 学习不同的优先级划分技巧, 或者如何建立包容性的团队.

A big part of my role is gathering requirements for new features or process improvements. 我通常在工作室里这样做, 包括我的大部分团队成员在内的大型团队会议, 加上项目的相关利益相关者. One example I’ve worked on recently is how we gather data from legacy systems to calculate a claimant’s payments correctly. These workshops are designed to tease out the ‘user needs’ – who are the users of the end product, 他们到底需要什么才能让它起作用, 还有什么是以后可能会出现的“有就好”的东西? 

我将管理一名文学士学徒,并指导一名文学士助理, 所以我可能会和这些人打1-1电话,试图帮助他们取得进步, 回答问题, 协助工作角色申请或业务分析工具和技术. 

我一直尝试优先考虑的一件事是作为BA的用户研究会议, it’s so important for me to hear from users; what are their pain points, 他们的旅程是怎样的, 等等....... These take place every other week or so and are run by dedicated user researchers in our teams. 这周我们刚刚开始了一些非常激动人心的活动. The findings from this will help inform the rest of our work on the programme – how can we make the journey better? 对于业务分析师来说,哪个才是最重要的问题.


I was lucky enough to join DWP Digital a few weeks before the UK went into Covid lockdown, so I managed to squeeze in some time in the Manchester office and was able to meet most of my colleagues face to face. 然而,几乎立即转向远程工作显然是一个巨大的变化. 

其中一个挑战是在封锁期间让新人澳门十大正规赌博娱乐平台团队. 我不确定我们总是对的. 很难知道某人是否需要帮助, 或是一次友好的聊天, 当你不在办公室和他们对面坐着的时候.

话虽如此,总的来说,我真的很喜欢远程工作的改变. It enables me to have a much better work-life balance without having to take an extra 2 hours out of the day to commute, 我可以自己做午餐——我喜欢在家里种蔬菜, 所以,能够自己选择是一件很棒的事情! 我们现在已经找到了混合工作的平衡, 去办公室合作, 花几天时间在家工作. 

整个团队都参加了 十大网博靠谱平台中心 每个星期二, so it’s always a fun and focused day which we tend to use for big team sessions like planning for the next delivery, 或者回顾会议,讨论如何改进我们的合作方式.


For me the most exciting thing about working for DWP Digital has to be the real-life impact you have on people. It adds a whole new dimension to your work when you can see the value it will bring to people who need help from DWP, 或者在就业中心工作的同事. 

作为我目前项目的一部分, 尝试新事物让人充满活力, 以及新的工作方式. We are effectively pioneering a brand-new journey for benefit claimants and have been testing and learning along the way – what support do claimants need? 他们花了多长时间申请? 有什么导致错误的吗? 那些我们没有想到的复杂情况呢?它们有什么额外的需求呢? 因为这是全新的, user research has been invaluable to understand more about the claimant and colleague experience of working their way through these processes. 这也是一件备受瞩目的作品,在媒体上得到了大量报道, 所以看到公众的反应是令人兴奋的. 


One of the great things about DWP Digital is the investment they make in their employees, 所以我可以自信地说,我在这里学到了很多东西. I’ve been placed on several BCS-accredited courses for Business Analysis which have taught me universally approved methods of business process modelling and requirements gathering and management. 

I’ve taken on some additional responsibilities outside of my job role for my own personal development, 所以我有机会写博客, 出席更广泛的论坛(如Digital Live)并参加快速指导. I have particularly enjoyed participating in recruitment and have even been involved in recruiting some Senior Civil Servants with the advice of an occupational psychologist to assess their suitability for the role. 

我目前正在参加高级文学士发展计划, w在这里 I’ve been able to attend numerous classes to help me prepare for my next career move, 比如领导力, 视觉思维, 团队的多样性, 我的导师是一位经验丰富的资深文学士.


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