
It can be easy for misinformation to spread or for us to discover distressing news; after all, “doomscroll”成为2020年的年度词汇是有原因的. 然而,这并不总是悲观的! 本着传播新年快乐的精神, we're focusing on some of the positives of social media and how it can be used for good.


Social media gives its users the power to build communities around a cause and encourage supporters to take action. This is done by sharing images, stories, and videos to raise awareness and facilitate discussion. 新闻 spreads quickly online and it can take just minutes for a post to go viral.

The power of social media for raising awareness was seen during the Black Lives Matter protests and riots in 2020. 在这种情况下,社交媒体成为了一个强大的工具: the video footage of George Floyd’s murder spread quickly and caused mass outrage, 随后的抗议活动通过推特组织起来, 脸谱网, 和Instagram. Similarly, the positive effects of social media were seen in the aftermath of the protests. People organised and shared fundraisers to support the families of victims of police violence. Plus, freedom funds were shared to help bail peaceful protestors out of jail.

This just goes to show how social media can help form a sense of community. 即使在可怕的情况下,它也能产生真正的影响. Of course, it’s important to remember that not everything we see on social media is true. 只要我们总是从一个有信誉的来源进行事实核查, there’s no reason social media can’t be a valuable educational resource.


Social media has also in recent years become a platform for promoting mental health awareness. We all know that the impact of social media can sometimes be negative; studies have shown that teenagers who spend more than three hours a day on social media are twice as likely to experience mental health problems例如:. 然而, it is great to see so many platforms finally acknowledging this and actively trying to do something about it.

尤其是Meta在过去的几个月里做了很多帮助 raise awareness of mental health issues across their social media platforms特别是在2019冠状病毒病大流行的背景下. 2021年5月, the company announced they would be “partnering with leading mental health experts around the world to offer support and provide new resources,” as well as “encouraging people to check in with each other throughout [Mental Health Awareness Month], 及以后.“作为这一承诺的一部分, Meta encouraged 脸谱网 users to use the hashtag #MentalHealthMinute in order to discover ways they can make time for themselves and prioritise their own mental health. They also set up an Emotional Health page that provides information about offering support to friends who are struggling.

This demonstrates how social media can help to open up conversations surrounding mental health. It allows people to educate themselves on something they might not understand. This is undoubtedly a positive of social media in today’s digital world, in which what we read online has the power to dictate our thoughts and feelings.


Over recent years, we’ve witnessed the rise of the body positivity movement on social media. Our feeds used to be full of heavily edited photos that created unrealistic body standards, 尤其是对女性来说. 但现在, we’ve seen a surge in influencers and celebrities who are inspiring the next generation of young people to love their bodies exactly as they are.

One notable example is popstar Lizzo, who has a whopping total of 11.截至2021年12月,Instagram上有800万粉丝. Since the beginning of her career, Lizzo has been an advocate for body positivity. 从她鼓舞人心的歌曲到她强大的社交媒体形象, Lizzo is always unashamedly proud of her body and encourages her followers and fans to love their own curves.

But it’s not just the big stars and influencers who have the power to make a positive change when it comes to how we feel about our bodies. 菲比(@fatpheebs)在Instagram上例如:, 是一个拥有11000粉丝的非二元性阳性积极分子吗. They are very open about their body image issues and how they have overcome them.

We LOVE that people like Pheebs are willing to share their own vulnerabilities so openly in order to help others feel empowered. It’s their confidence that makes social media so wonderful and increasingly accepting of all shapes and sizes!


On a less serious note, there truly would be no joy on social media if not for the memes. 推特上不断涌入的表情包, Instagram, 和脸谱网总是让我们振作起来,不管我们感觉有多沮丧. Plus, they’re a great way to start conversations and have a laugh with friends and family!

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