
A New Way to Pay: The UK’s Introduction of a Digital Pound

什么是CBDC? 我们听到你问. A CBDC is a currency issued by a country’s central bank, 但它完全是数字化的/在线的, with all transactions using CBDCs also being recorded digitally.

The UK isn’t the first nation/country to consider the introduction of a CBDC. Many others around the world have pipped us to the post and created their own digital currency, 包括中国这样的国家, 印度, 澳大利亚, 和尼日利亚.

The Bank of England has been conducting studies for a while to support the motion of a digital currency. 他们发现 88%的个人对企业交易在店内进行 是用借记卡还是信用卡付款, 尽管五分之二的消费者仍然使用现金, a large proportion favour digital currency over physical currency.

If you’re interested in learning about the UK’s introduction of a digital pound, keep reading as we break down exactly what it means and how it’s going to impact the general population and the digital marketing world.


If you want the short answer, it’s a digital form of our current pound. 如果你想要(稍微)长一点的答案, it’ll be a form of digital currency that we can use 在线 for a huge variety of everyday payments, 在线, 店内, 和人与人之间的. 

Such examples include paying for your morning coffee or the weekly shop and even transferring money for goods and services, like having someone come to your house to fit a new boiler. 你可以用现金支付的东西, 你可以用数字现金支付, 所以基本上, “日常支出.”

现在, the digital pound isn’t going to replace physical cash but rather complement it and provide UK residents with the option to choose between the two forms of payment. Plenty of people still prefer using cash over digital money, and that’s perfectly fine to continue to use even if the digital pound is introduced, but the Bank of England hope everyone will eventually use it. 

Many people are asking the question, though, “Is this just a new form of cryptocurrency?” The answer from the Bank of England is a resounding no.

The Bank of England has said they’re seeking to create something similar to stablecoins, 就像加密货币一样, 但它们的价值是固定在实物资产上的, 例如物品或货币. The government and Bank of England have assured us the digital pound won’t have fluctuating values, 比如比特币等加密货币, 但会和英镑有同样的价值.

根据英格兰银行的说法, another feature of the digital pound is that it won’t be an environmentally-negative form of currency. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin use highly energy-intensive methods of “mining”, but this digital pound will supposedly be in line with the Bank of England’s efforts to “reduce its carbon footprint and meet its environmental targets.”

How Will It Impact the UK and the Digital Marketing World?

尽可能地简化它, the digital pound will effectively be a new 在线 form of payment, like how we use Apple Pay or even bank accounts like Monzo or Starling to pay for things 在线.

然而, it won’t be exactly the same as a bank account in that we won’t receive interest on our balance, and there’ll be initial limits on how much we can have in our possession at one time. 

That being said, the digital pound isn’t expected to hamper your marketing efforts. 顾客仍然可以向你购买, but they’ll just be using a digital form of currency (basically, 就像他们已经在做的那样).

同样的, if you’re trying to encourage people to visit you 店内 and purchase your goods, 有了数字货币,他们仍然可以做到. 它可以在智能手机上访问, so all customers need to do is tap to pay with their phone or smartwatch.

在一天结束的时候, the Bank of England is hoping to provide UK residents with a simple way to make everyday purchases. You may think this is already possible with your debit cards and payment options like Apple Pay, 谷歌支付, 和PayPal, 这是真的, but this is another option for us which will be centralised and provided by the Bank of England. 

然而,人们希望数字英镑能够“支持英国的金融稳定,” help to keep uniformity in a “future where the majority of payments are digital,” and improve the “options people have for making payments.” 

A final launch date for the digital pound hasn’t been announced yet, 但预计将在本十年末, 所以请密切关注即将到来的新闻.

There you have it, a bit of a run-through on the UK’s introduction of a brand-new digital pound. We’re interested to see the impact it will have on the marketing world, 但我们会欢迎的, 尽管如此.

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