


In the sea of endless choices, standing out is not just an art; it's a strategic imperative. Brand positioning is the compass that guides a business towards its unique place in the market, 锚定自己的身份,为未来的旅程开辟一条道路. 理解什么, why and how of brand positioning means the difference between blending in and rising above the competitive noise.

打造你的品牌是你的基础,其他一切都建立在它之上. 了解你自己的品牌是能够与你的目标市场分享的关键. You shouldn’t force your brand, it needs to be relevant to you and relatable to your target market. Without a solid brand identity, the quest for recognition is like setting sail without a map.

品牌背后的力量在于所有沟通和接触点的一致性. 这包括内部和外部. 如果你有一个内部角色和一个不同的外部角色, 这将被客户发现并造成混乱, 甚至是不信任. 


Brand positioning represents the unique space your brand occupies in the minds of potential customers. 这是你想要在市场环境中被感知的方式. 本质上, brand positioning is the articulation of what you want your brand to stand for in the eyes of consumers. 这种战略方法对于将你的品牌与竞争对手区分开来至关重要, 打造一个独特的身份,并有效地与你的目标受众沟通.

在竞争激烈的舞台上,你争夺目标市场的注意力, successful brand positioning covers every aspect from product design to marketing and sales strategies. It's not limited to superficial aspects like logos or colours; rather, 它是十大网博靠谱平台你的品牌对顾客的内在承诺. 定位强, prospective buyers quickly grasp why they should favour your product or service over alternatives in the market.






        Influence product offerings and development in a way that resonates with the target audience



A positioning statement is a succinct description encapsulating your product's or service's unique value and its relevance to the target market. This powerful tool aligns a company's brand and value proposition with its marketing strategy, 为制作有影响力的营销信息提供指路明灯.






The positioning statement is an internal manifesto that keeps marketing teams on track and ensures all marketing materials send a consistent and convincing message to the target customer. This clarity presents potential consumers with an immediate and accessible understanding of what the business stands for, 第一眼就能体会到品牌的精髓.


In addition to your positioning statement you need to understand the following aspects to ensure that you are providing consistent messaging to your audience that resonates with your customers. 

     目标市场识别 -确切地知道你的潜在客户是谁, 根据人口统计学和心理统计学,你可以专注于你的市场营销. 你需要深入研究详细的人口统计数据, 你理想客户的行为模式和兴趣. 通过开发客户角色-详细, semi-fictional characters that represent your target buyer — you'll be better equipped to tailor your marketing, 从而接触到那些最有可能转化为忠实客户的人.

     市场品类识别 – understand how your offering fits in within the existing market and how you position your product/service in the minds of consumers. 你的品牌可以从广泛的领域到小众的细分市场. 识别和理解你的市场类别是至关重要的, 因为它会影响你的品牌定位策略. It involves defining who the buyers are, what they are searching for and who currently engages them. 它还涉及了解竞争并与市场趋势保持一致. Proper alignment within a market category allows your brand to develop a strong and enduring strategy that speaks to your audience effectively.

     解决客户问题 -你如何定位你的产品/服务作为一个解决方案? 这将在您的消息传递中显示. Your aim is to identify the problems and solution you bring and communicating this to the target audience. Demonstrating this will show the value of your product and help your customer realise you understand them and their needs. Effective product positioning also justifies your pricing strategy and encourages creative approaches to marketing similar products differently. 通过传达一个明确的信息,说明为什么你的品牌是最佳选择, 产品定位有助于吸引目标受众的注意力和忠诚度.

     品牌承诺 – the unique (where possible) value or benefit that you offer your customers when they engage with you.

     品牌识别及价值 – the business' personality; this element conveys what you stand for through a blend of visual identity, 声音与文化.

     目的 - a clearly defined purpose propels brand positioning by emphasising what makes your product or service indispensable to customers. 在今天的市场上, 真实性, 透明度和对更广泛的社会问题的承诺受到消费者的珍视. 信任也很重要, 绝大多数人只考虑购买他们信任的品牌. 因此, 你必须确保你的目标对你来说是真实的,而不仅仅是打勾, 否则你会被发现的!

     声音和语气 你的品牌声音是你沟通中个性的体现, 在所有营销渠道中反映你的品牌的情感方面. 定义这种声音, 具有激情等特质, 真实性, 或离奇, can guide your marketing team to consistently communicate in a manner that aligns with your brand's identity. Consistency in voice and tone is necessary not only for brand recognition but also for forging emotional connections with your audience.

     品牌故事 -这与目的有关, as often your purpose is born from the reason you exist and can be a powerful tool to create that emotional connection with your customer. 一个令人信服的、真实的品牌故事成为集体意识的一部分, enduring beyond specific marketing campaigns and helping to build long-term relationships with customers. 不仅仅是过去的故事, a brand story is an ongoing narrative that grows with your business and remains a central part of your strategic market positioning.

     竞争 ——以定义一个真正与众不同的品牌形象, 你必须了解你的竞争对手是谁,他们能为你带来什么. 这包括分析他们的信息、视觉识别、优势和价值观. 通过构建竞争分析和比较消息传递价值类别, 你可以找到差异化的机会, 确保你的品牌脱颖而出,并在消费者心中留下难忘的印象.

Each of these elements requires careful consideration and underpins any aspect of your marketing from product development through to pricing strategies. 最终, knowing these details really helps shape your messaging and forms an authentic and consistent voice to your customers. 

Successful market positioning for your startup should seamlessly integrate these core elements into a cohesive strategy that drives brand awareness, 顾客忠诚度和最终, 商业上的成功.

