
The growing threat of cyber crime in financial services

Cyber security strategies to protect your organisation

Cyber security strategies in the financial services sector are increasingly under threat. 网络罪犯的持续攻击, including a rising number of business email compromise (BEC) attacks, 正在对这个行业造成严重破坏吗. Despite numerous reports and recommendations, these cyber security risks continue to escalate. Understanding why your cyber security strategy isn't as effective as it should be and taking proactive steps to build cyber resilience across your organisation is crucial in today's digitised world.


As we all know, the true cost of cyber crime is quite substantial. Forbes predicts that cyber crime costs will exceed $10.5 trillion per annum by 2025, a 250% increase within a decade. 监管罚款是成本等式的一部分, but the overall financial implications are much greater than initially anticipated. 它们包含了纠正违规行为所花费的时间, 客户补偿, 声誉损失, 业务损失, 品牌忠诚度降低, 以及股价的下跌.

To change the status quo, firms must reassess their cyber security strategy. In an era of increased remote working and digital integration, companies must weigh the benefits of integrated apps and services against potential risks. If one service is compromised, it could expose other linked services and internal software.


Cyber has been in the top three triggers for Directors and Officers (D&O) derivative actions since 2017, but more and more we’re seeing D&O不包括网络攻击责任的政策. Perhaps this will hold your C-suite more to account when it comes to prioritising and resourcing cyber security.


Cyber risks should be fully understood and prioritised at all levels. Cyber has been a key trigger for Directors and Officers (D&O)自2017年以来的衍生诉讼,但越来越多&政策不包括网络攻击的责任. This might make your C-suite more accountable for prioritising and resourcing cyber security.

此外, the financial services sector has seen a notable lack of cyber due diligence, 特别是在合并和收购期间&A). 通常,小型企业在M&A有隐藏的网络安全弱点. 这些公司, 他们的安全措施不那么先进, are an attractive entry point for cyber criminals targeting large financial institutions.

Why are financial service organisations still so heavily targeted?

Financial service firms are a prime target for cyber crime due to the wealth they manage and the extensive customer data they store. Gartner has found that insider threat management is not a focus area for most organisations unless they are highly regulated and by 2025, lack of talent or human failure will be responsible for over half of significant cyber incidents.

According to the Verizon 2023 Data Breach Investigations Report, 83% of breaches involved external actors with 74% implicating the human element. 该报告分析了超过16个国家,000起, 泄露被盗的证书, 网络钓鱼, and exploitation of vulnerabilities were the main access points for cyber attackers. 

While financial service institutions allocate similar budget proportions for cyber security as other industries, it does not adequately reflect the frequency and intensity with which they are targeted. 有效地保护您的组织, uncovering potential vulnerabilities and exposures is necessary, but this cannot be achieved without sufficient funding.


必须把网络安全作为企业风险来管理. Gartner suggests that over 60% of organisations will embrace zero trust as a starting place for security by 2025, 然而,超过一半的人将无法意识到这些好处. 重点应该从简单的检测转变, 保护, 和响应, to understanding the specific risks your business faces. Learning from past threats and better anticipating future attacks is a proactive approach to cyber security.

With the constant increase in cyber crime and its associated costs, organisations must focus on minimising human error – a key vulnerability in security strategy. Fostering a culture of cyber security awareness and incentivising the reporting of suspicious activity can contribute significantly to your organisation's safety.


在6 point6, we have first-hand experience implementing these strategies and we're here to help you strengthen your cyber security framework. 

十大网博靠谱平台 for more information on cyber security you can depend on for your organisation.




